Coffee, laptop and my latest text

Writing Journey

As I complete my novel!

If I did not love writing, I would not be embarking on this journey. Follow the Highs and lows. The plotting, planning and then watching the virtual sheets of paper being screwed up and tossed into the bin. I will share every form of procrastination I discover until I can hold and share with you my published historical novel.

Book Reviews

Fiction & Non-Fiction

The anticipation of starting a new book is unparalleled.

Here are my thoughts on books I have read, either newly published or just found the author. The genres read will be varied.

All reviews are subjective; mine will be positive and honest.

Family History

My ancestor’s origins & occupations

Behind every name is a story that goes beyond the data collected. The pathways trodden by our ancestors can be and often are unexpected, as you find the refugees, the sailors, soldiers and fishwives. Everyone has a story to tell. These are some I have unearthed while researching my family for nearly forty years.

Moths in the Garden

What is attracted through the year

Immerse yourself in a lovingly tailored experience that stands out! Our commitment to excellence ensures you’ll feel the difference every time.

Welcome to Eliza June Aiken

Hey there! I'm thrilled to share my passion for words and history with you. This little corner of the internet is where I chronicle my journey through historical novels, and reviews of captivating books, and explore the delightful intricacies of my family's past, all while surrounded by the beauty of my garden.

Don't fret about perfection – what's important is your unique voice. In a world bustling with countless websites, your story is what will truly shine and set this space apart from the rest!
