Starting to Write and Research

The source of the novel is hidden deep in my family history and leads me back to the brother of Thomas Branwell. Thomas, the father of Maria, the mother of the Brontës. This is the story of their Aunt Elizabeth who left her beloved Penzance and travelled to Yorkshire to look after her three nieces and nephews.

There are two types of writers. The planners will develop an outline. Then carefully plot the details of each chapter, create characters’ personalities, likes and dislikes, have spreadsheets and are uber-organised and disciplined. On the reverse side of the coin, the pantsers inhabit a different approach to writing. They have an idea, full of motivation and enthusiasm with minimal preparation. They pick up their pens or tap the keyboard and step into the story having faith that the story will reveal itself as if by magic.

Am I a planner or a pantser?

Not a planner. I am a pantser informed by historical research to create the world my character lived in. I must be careful that the historical research does not become the third P – procrastination.

I have a working title. ‘Finding Aunt Branwell’ (it will change) but I am determined I will not waste hours on this when the story is waiting to be written.  


Welcome to my Journey